Beyond the Sticker Shock: How Dental Implants Can Save You Money over Time
December 13, 2024

Dental implants have allowed millions of patients to replace their lost teeth with beautifully lifelike and incredibly functional restorations like crowns, dentures, and bridges. However, many people may be hesitant to commit to these remarkable prosthetic devices since they have a reputation for being costly. Here’s a brief guide to a few of the many benefits of dental implants and how they can potentially save you thousands of dollars over the years.
(more…)Which Holiday Foods Are Denture Dangers?
October 24, 2024

If you have dentures, you probably already know the many benefits of these natural and durable prosthetics. But despite what they can do, there are still some foods that you should avoid eating with them. That’s because even though they’re meant to withstand a lot of bite force, they’re simply not as strong as dental implants or your natural teeth.
Before you head off to that holiday feast, make sure you’re keeping your dentures safe, and avoid eating these dangerous foods that could cause costly damage!
(more…)Why Do I Need Temporary Veneers?
July 18, 2024

Whether you’re waiting patiently for your dinner to arrive at your favorite restaurant, watching the clock until work is over, or anticipating the joy of getting a new set of veneers, some of the best things in life are worth the delay. When it comes to veneers, however, there are certain things you must do to protect your teeth during that time. Here’s what you can expect during the process, and why your teeth are definitely worth the wait!
(more…)Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?
April 3, 2024

Dental implants are an advanced tooth replacement option used to fill in your smile. They consist of three main parts: the abutment, the implant, and the restoration. This complete setup offers a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing choice for replacing teeth, improving oral health and the look of your smile. If you have dental implants and wonder about their vulnerability to tooth decay, continue reading!
(more…)How Can I Take Excellent Care of My Dentures?
January 12, 2024

People have used false teeth to address severe tooth loss for centuries, but dentures today are many steps up from the ivory teeth George Washington wore. Today’s dentures are marvelously lifelike so that passers-by don’t realize patients are wearing them and incredibly comfortable so that patients often forget that they’re wearing them at all. However, dentures need proper care to look great, work well, and last for a long time. Here are a few of the habits that can allow your dentures to last for ten years or more.
(more…)How Should You Care for Teeth During Holiday Travels?
December 5, 2023

As the festive season gains momentum, you may find yourself embarking on winter holiday getaways, whether by car to visit loved ones or by plane to a holiday destination. Amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday travel, it becomes crucial not to overlook your oral health, as neglecting it could impact your year-end smile. In the spirit of maintaining a vibrant and healthy smile throughout your holiday excursions, continue reading to discover four essential strategies for proper dental care while on the move.
(more…)5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Dental Implants
November 3, 2023

As the holiday season unfolds, and reflections on gratitude become more prevalent, it’s worth considering the often-overlooked blessings in our lives. While dental implants might not be the first thing that comes to mind, they play a significant role in enhancing our overall well-being. This season, let’s explore five reasons why you should be thankful for dental implants, acknowledging the numerous benefits they bring to both your holiday celebrations and everyday life.
(more…)Vanishing Veneer: Why Your Dental Veneer Fell Off and What to do About It
October 20, 2023

Has your dental veneer ever fallen off? It’s not a common occurrence, but it can be stressful when it does happen. If you find yourself facing the unexpected situation of a vanished veneer, understanding why it happened and knowing what steps to take is crucial.
If you want to learn more about veneers and what to do if one ever falls off, continue reading. You’ll learn common reasons for dislodged veneers and how to handle the situation step-by-step.
(more…)Good Oral Health Supports Academic Success
August 6, 2023
As your child heads back to the classroom, school supplies aren’t the only things they need to be successful during the year ahead. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that 51 million school hours are lost annually from dental issues. With your child’s oral health linked to their academic performance, don’t let a toothache stand in the way of succeeding in the classroom. Here are 5 back-to-school tips to keep their mouth healthy.
Denture Relining: What It Is and Why It’s Necessary
July 13, 2023

Dentures today are more secure, comfortable, and natural-looking than they have ever been before. However, the jaw will change as it ages and develops, making adjustments to the dentures necessary. For people who wear dentures, these adjustments can include a denture reline. Read on to learn more about this process and what to expect from it.