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Need a Root Canal? Learn the Truth About These 3 Myths First!

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 3:26 am
Illustration of a root canal

Without question, root canals are one of the most misunderstood dental procedures out there. There’s also a lot of misinformation floating around that doesn’t help matters, which explains why many people are more fearful of root canals than any other procedure. But are they really as painful as people say? And what about everything else you’ve heard about root canals in Corpus Christi? In this blog, you’ll get the facts about 3 common myths. And once you know the truth, root canals will feel a lot less scary!


Ask a Dentist: 3 Questions About Root Canals Answered

December 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 6:20 pm
woman in dental chair with toothache

You’ve been having a raging toothache for several days now. It got to the point where it interfered with your ability to just live your daily life. Chewing and even smiling were nearly unbearable. You took this to your dentist, who said you need a root canal in Corpus Christi. You undoubtedly have some questions. Luckily, your dentist is here to answer them.


What You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

November 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 10:07 pm
Woman smiling

Dental crowns are one of the most popular dental services available for a good reason. They can be used for numerous treatments, resulting in beautiful and strong smiles. They get their name because they literally cap or crown the tooth. However, many patients still have questions about dental crowns in Corpus Christi. If you’ve been wondering about this treatment option, your dentist is here to satisfy your curiosity. Keep reading to learn 5 things you need to know about dental crowns.


Are Dental Implants in Corpus Christi Worth the Cost?

August 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drthompson @ 2:40 am

dental implant on moneyAre you ready to enjoy a complete smile again? You’ve heard about the benefits of dental implants in Corpus Christi, but you’ve also learned more about their cost. Now, you’re not sure if you want to spend that much. It’s no secret they cost more than traditional options upfront, but they are actually more affordable long-term. You can make a true investment in your smile and your quality of life with dental implants.


How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Appointment with Their Children’s Dentist in Corpus Christi

July 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:00 pm
little girl with toothbrush

Not many people like going to the dentist, especially not children, and especially not on their first appointment. It’s a new place filled with strangers and scary-looking equipment. However, there are a few tips to follow to make sure that your little one’s first visit to their children’s dentist in Corpus Christi goes smoothly. Keep reading to learn more.


Don’t Wait to Receive Dental Implants in Corpus Christi!

April 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 4:36 pm
Older woman smiling

Are you missing any teeth? You may be aware of the consequences that gaps in your smile can bring to your appearance, but did you know that it can also affect your health? Missing teeth can lead to misalignment of existing teeth, jawbone deterioration, a sunken facial appearance, and even more tooth loss if they aren’t replaced as soon as possible! And, not all tooth replacements are created equal. Keep reading to see why you should replace your teeth with dental implants in Corpus Christi immediately.


The Do’s and Don’ts After Teeth Whitening in Corpus Christi

January 28, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 9:27 am
Before and after teeth whitening

You probably already know that many people find whiter teeth more attractive, but did you know that the appearance of your smile could be connected to your professional success? According to an extensive study that included simulated interviews, participants were more likely to be hired and received larger salary offers after their teeth had been whitened. Whether you want to climb the ladder of your career or just feel more confident about your teeth, professional teeth whitening can transform your smile Although it is a fairly simple treatment, there are a few guidelines patients should follow afterward. Here are the do’s and don’ts after teeth whitening in Corpus Christi.


How to Know if You Need Root Canal Treatment in Corpus Christi

November 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 10:57 pm
woman needing root canal therapy

Whether you’re enjoying a day at the beach, hard at work, or fast asleep, there’s never a good time for a toothache. While some people write off the pain as something minor, others let the fear that it’s something serious delay a call to their dentist. The fact is, you can’t know if you need root canal treatment in Corpus Christi without an examination.

But you can get your top 6 questions answered right here.


Your Dentist in Corpus Christi Discusses Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

September 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 8:34 pm

Woman brushing her teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice per day is the foundation for optimum oral health. Have you ever stopped to consider if you’re using the right tools for your brushing? Did you know that the type of toothbrush you’re using could be affecting the amount of plaque you are successfully able to remove? The American Dental Association (ADA) approves both electric and manual toothbrushes, so which one is right for you? Your dentist in Corpus Christi has answers, so read on!


Dentist in Corpus Christi: How to Care for Teeth at Work

August 27, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 10:21 pm

Man smiling at workWhen you’re in a rush in the morning and frantically trying to get the kids dressed for school, make breakfast for the family, and make sure everyone is out the door at the right time, it can be easy to forget to brush your teeth before leaving the house. However, every morning you walk out the door without cleaning your teeth increases the risk you will develop cavities or gum disease. If you are looking to balance your hectic schedule with taking care of your oral health, you will want to read these preventive dental care tips from a dentist in Corpus Christi below.


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