How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Appointment with Their Children’s Dentist in Corpus Christi
July 12, 2019

Not many people like going to the dentist, especially not children, and especially not on their first appointment. It’s a new place filled with strangers and scary-looking equipment. However, there are a few tips to follow to make sure that your little one’s first visit to their children’s dentist in Corpus Christi goes smoothly. Keep reading to learn more.
Take Them to One of Your Dental Appointments First
Letting your child tag along on one of your checkups can help them get used to a dental office. This is especially beneficial if you see a family dentist, as your little one can get a chance to meet the staff who will be treating them. Use positive language and talk about how much fun you’re having getting your smile all nice and healthy. Pretend that the staff are all your friends. Then, they won’t seem so scary to your son or daughter.
Describe the Dentist in Nice Terms
Make sure to not use words or phrases like “procedure” or “chair time,” as that can make your kid nervous. Tell them that you’re there to meet a very nice person who is there to make your smile healthy, clean, and beautiful.
Use Bribery Only in Moderation
Bribery might work the first few times you take your child to the dentist, but if you continue to do it, your child will come to expect a prize every time they successfully get through a dental appointment. Positive reinforcement is only great in moderation. If you must bribe your child, be sure not to do it with sugary snacks, as that can undo any dental work. Treat them to a day at the movies or the park. They will come to associate going to the dentist with fun family time.
Teach Good Oral Health Habits
Learn what oral health habits should go along with your little one’s age. By maintaining great oral health, you can help ensure that your kid’s first appointment runs smoothly. In addition, you can prevent cavities that damage their permanent teeth and require unpleasant treatment.
It’s never too early to start teaching proper oral hygiene. By making sure your child is prepared for their first dental appointment, you can help instill good habits in them that will last a lifetime, ensuring they have a healthy and beautiful smile for life!
About the Author
Dr. John Thompson earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1985 from Baylor College of Dentistry. He has been awarded a Fellowship with the Academy of General Dentistry, an honor that only 7 percent of all dentists receive. In addition, he was among the nominees for Texas Academy of General Dentistry’s Dentist of the Year 2016. To learn more about how he can help your little one’s smile, click here or call (361)-242-3151.
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